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Unlock the Sustainable Power of Your Organisation

Join a Climate Education Session

At DecarbonEaser, we believe that every organisation has the power to make a difference in the fight against climate change. Our workshops and trainings will provide you with the knowledge and staff engagement to help reduce your carbon footprint and create a sustainable future for all.

Why it matters to have carbon literate teams

Climate Change, An Overview

Gain a deeper understanding of

the science behind climate change: 

how it affects our planet & daily lives.

          Knowledge is power.

Engage Emotionally To The Topic To Drive Bolder Action

Information alone doesn't drive action,

only emotional connection with a topic can

achieve this.

         We are humans after all.

Not all actions are made equal

Making impactful decisions requires understanding the scale and depth of their effects on nature and sustainability

           Drive Sustainability: Act Now!


About DecarbonEaser

DecarbonEaser is a climate education and training company that helps organisations take action to reduce their carbon footprint. Our fun and engaging workshops are delivered by industry professionals and can be customised to meet the specific needs of your organisation. We believe that collaboration using collective intelligence is key to creating a sustainable future for all, and we are committed to creating business opportunities that support this vision.

Turtle sea nature environment

Meet Our Expert

Jim Lescop

Jim Lescop expert facilitator

Director of Climate Education, DecarbonEaser

Jim has over 20 years of experience in corporate sales and Learning and Development in Europe and Australia. He shifted career in 2021 and is now using his solid business background to help raise awareness within organisations. He invested heavily to reskill himself through self-study including passing a Certificate in Sustainable Finance with the Cambridge Institute of Sustainable Leadership (CISL) in 2022. His commitment to having an impact is his main driver while supporting businesses to uncover new opportunities.

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”

― Robert Swan

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